March 2017 Goals


I don't know about you, but to me, February felt like a month that kicked off some big changes. My family experienced some high highs and some low lows, Kurt and I made a decision that I'm hoping will have a huge impact on us for the next couple of months (more on that in my March goals list!), and we made a concious effort to build some better habits when it came to chores and meal prepping each week. 

Now, to share how I did on my February goals! 

February Goals Progress: 

  • Participate fully in the five-week Style and Styleability Series - DONE! I really enjoyed this class series from Hilary Rushford, and feel like I walked away with a really strong understanding of how to have more fun when getting dressed each day.

  • Finish knitting the baby blanket for Mattye's little one on the way - DONE! I just love how this blanket turned out! I've knitted blankets, hats, bibs, and toys for all of my close friends who have had babies in the last year or so, and plan to share those with you later this year as a part of my Giving with Meaning Series!

  • Go through the PowerSheets Couples Goal Setting Companion Guide with Kurt - DONE! We talked through this guide the last weekend of the month, and I really enjoyed discussing each of the questions with him. While I think he's a long way off from becoming a full PowerSheets user himself, I'm glad we have this smaller tool to use together!

  • Have a budget and calendar planning meeting with Kurt - DONE! We also have placed these on our monthly calendar for the rest of the year so we continue to work at making these conversations a regular habit for us.

  • Read two books from my 2017 Reading List - DONE! This month I read "Power Your Happy" by Lisa Sugar as a part of the PowerSheets book club, and I also read "Where'd You Go Bernadette" by Maria Semple. I read the second book during my February travels and struggled to not laugh out loud when I was flying because it was so entertaining!

  • Check in with my PowerSheets Pals to encourage them in their goals this month - DONE! Having these two women is really a game changer when it comes to following through on some of my scarier goals. The encouragement and prayers we provide to each other really help to boost my confidence!

  • Review the Brit + Co. classes that I've purchased but not taken, and take one of them - DONE! I took a class on taking and editing photos with your smartphone. Focusing on growing my Instagram account is something I'm planning to do this year because I want to share the message of You Me Serendipity more widely. This class will help me in a small way to do that!

  • Submit one guest blog post to Wholehearted Woman - I didn't get to this goal this month because I got nervous that my thoughts aren't worth sharing on a platform that isn't my own. I'm working on my courage and plan to keep this as a goal for March.

  • Apply to be a part of the Cultivate What Matters affiliate program - After reviewing the qualifications a bit more closely, I realized that my audience reach isn't quite as far as they'd like it to be. So, I'm going to work on expanding my reach this year and apply when I hit the metric they are looking for!

  • Schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist in Tallahassee - DONE! We had a great first appointment and really like our doctor of choice . He's taking us through the first treatment option we have now. There have been some ups and downs since we started seeing him, but Kurt and I are confident that we won't be given anything that we can't handle!


In the month of March, these are the goals that I'll be focusing on: 

March Goals: 

As I work toward achieving my ten goals for 2017, I plan to share monthly reviews and updates with you all. To be honest, doing so helps keep me accountable and your encouragement helps keep me focused! I hope you look forward to these posts at the start of each month! 

As a reminder, you can read more about all ten of my 2017 goals here. Do you have goals for 2017? If so, I'd love to know what they are! Comment below to share more about your goals for this year and how I can encourage you in achieving them this month. Happy March!