April 2017 Goals

You know that saying that March comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb? I know it refers to how the weather typically changes in this month connecting winter and spring, but in terms of what March did to our lives, it was the absolute opposite. What started out rather nicely didn't end that way at all. 

What I think is redeeming though is that the progress on my March goals wasn't really hindered all that much! Check out how I did: 

March Goals Progress: 

  • Kickoff Nancy Ray's Contentment Challenge with Kurt - DONE! Each month of the challenge includes an action item, and the monthly action item for this first month was to donate clothes. I sent a big bag to ThredUP and Kurt also sent a bag to the Goodwill here in town.

  • Read two books from my 2017 Reading List - DONE! This month I read "Nothing to Prove" by Jennie Allen as a part of the PowerSheets book club, and I also read "Grace, Not Perfection" by Emily Ley. I also started a third book - "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin - that I'll continue to read during the month of April!

  • Submit one guest blog post to Wholehearted Woman - This just didn't happen again! And you know what, it's really ok. The creator of the Wholehearted Woman is putting the project on hold for the time being, so if she isn't going to focus on it then I can't feel bad if I'm not either.

  • Start and finish two new knitting projects - DONE! I actually completed more than two projects - baby hats for a friend of mine expecting twins later this spring, an infinity scarf for myself that I made using favorite elements from two different patterns, a sweet little bunny hat for a friend's baby for Easter, a NY Giants baby hat for my brother and his wife who are expecting their first child this fall, and I began a blanket for Kurt's Poppy, who is having some health troubles. It was a busy month for knitting!

  • Participate fully in the "Team Positively Healthy" Beachbody Challenge - This was something that I gave up on early in the month. As a part of the first fertility treatment option we went through, there were some restrictions regarding how much exercise I could do, which made completing this goal difficult. I am planning on participating more fully in the April challenge though!

  • Share on Instagram with the goal of subjective perfection, not curation - DONE! This isn't a goal that really gets completely marked off though. It's a mentality I'm going to continue to focus on throughout the rest of the year!

  • Finish, order and send invitations for my sister-in-law's baby shower this May - DONE! I also made a few decorations that we'll use for the shower that compliment the invitations really well. Look for a DIY post featuring these decorations this summer!

  • Complete and file our taxes - DONE! And we've already received our tax return!


I'm really hoping to use the month of April to refresh and renew my body and my mind, and I thought intentionally how to make my monthly goals a little less demanding so I could accomplish that. As we move through April (one of my most favorite months of the year), I'll be focusing on the following goals.

April Goals: 

As I work toward achieving my ten goals for 2017, I plan to share monthly reviews and updates with you all. To be honest, doing so helps keep me accountable and your encouragement helps keep me focused! I hope you look forward to these posts at the start of each month! 

As a reminder, you can read more about all ten of my 2017 goals here. Do you have goals for 2017? If so, I'd love to know what they are! Comment below to share more about your goals for this year and how I can encourage you in achieving them this month. Happy April!