2016 goals: starting a new season
/Happy September, friends! It's hard for me to believe that we have reached this point in the year already. I know that autumn doesn't technically start until the 22nd day of this month (or until December in Florida!), but when September 1st rolls around every year, my cozy sweater, gingerbread latte-loving side comes out and I find myself more than ready for cooler temperatures and colorful scenery!
As I finalized some September goals this morning I recognized that my strong desire for fall to arrive was linked to my frustrations with a busy summer. Over the past couple of months I have had some high moments - one of my best friends FaceTiming me the day she brought her son into the world, the huge success of Sigma Kappa's biggest convention that I helped to coordinate and execute, and a much needed mini-vacation with some friends in Birmingham. I also experienced some lows - I stepped on a scale after four months of not making healthy choices and saw the highest number I've ever seen, I put a balance back on the credit card I had paid off in April, and I have spent days wondering what our chances truly are for having a family of our own.
Reflecting on those moments as I thought about September, I realized how little time I've given myself to just sit and think this summer. I moved so fast that I haven't allowed myself the opportunity to slow down and check in both physically and mentally. So, as we begin this new season of the year, I'm hoping to begin a new season in my life more focused on increasing personal well-being and continuing to be honest with myself.
If you've missed my first two posts on setting goals using PowerSheets, you can read them here and here. As a recap, here are the six goal areas I'm focusing on for this year:
Create a routine with Kurt
Become more financially stable
Identify a space for creativity and exploration
Build and maintain relationships
Plan for a family
Find a community
As the summer wrapped up, Kurt and I sat down to create our first family budget! Up until now we had been paying bills out of separate accounts and not recording those expenses anywhere. When we sat down and looked through our account statements to see how much we spent I was shocked! But, with a budget in place for September, I'm hopeful that we'll both better understand where our money is going.
I've also continued my progressive savings plan throughout the summer months! I outlined that plan in one of my earlier goal setting posts, so click those links above to learn more about the system I'm using this year. By continuing with this pattern of saving a specific and manageable amount every week, I'm seeing how a little investment can turn into a healthy savings.
Kurt and I also spent some time establishing our daily routine for this fall semester. I mentioned in my last goals post that this is an area that has been a struggle. Kurt's schedule changes each semester, and so we have had to think about our routine in smaller segments within the year. For this semester we've scheduled monthly calendar and budget planning days, date nights, and creative time every weekend so we can intentionally focus on outside projects that often get pushed to the background. I'm looking forward to seeing how our routine holds up as the semester continues on!
I mentioned that one of my lows this summer was the realization of how little I've focused on my health. I stepped on the scale earlier this week and was not pleased at what I saw. At the heaviest weight I've ever been, I can say that my body confidence has diminished and I feel uncomfortable in my own skin most of the time. So, to take back some control, I'm choosing to write down what I eat and weigh myself more regularly this month. To help with this goal, I purchased the health and fitness journal from May Designs and started using it today.
I am hopeful that paying more attention to what I consume will help me take care of myself consistently. Achievement in a number of my goal areas can be connected to my overall mental and physical health, so this is going to be a major focus for me during this month and throughout the rest of the fall season.
An inspirational phrase on the front of my May Designs health and fitness journal. Kurt and I have also purchased their budget journal and love how cleanly it's laid out for tracking our monthly budget.
I'd love to know how you're progressing with your own goals this year! What successes or hurdles have you experienced during the summer? What do you have planned to help you to succeed in the fall? Share your thoughts in the comments!
And if you're interested in starting your own goal-setting journey in 2017, check out the chance to win an advance copy of the 2017 PowerSheets from Lara Casey! You can read more about the giveaway and see all of the great items that are up for grabs here. Good luck!