My 2017 Goals
I'm a few days late, but Happy New Year friends! I'm finding that, as I get older, the passing of time seems to move faster, and the first two weeks of 2017 have been no exception.
Last year, I shared with you the process and tool I used to identify and set my annual goals, PowerSheets. I'm using that same tool again this year and feel really energized about what the prep work helped me to uncover!
As I reflected on 2016, I noticed that I struggled most to achieve my goals when I tried to be something, do something, or live in some way that wasn't authentic to who I am. Hiding and minimizing what makes me unique and special doesn't help me achieve my goals. So, as a result in 2017, I'm going to focus on living a life of LESS. Less comparisons, less negativity, less spending, less worrying, less distractions.
With this in mind, there are ten goals I've identified for this year!
Live with less. In 2017 I want to focus on simplifying my spaces, my closet, and my stuff.
Why: Because too much stuff prevents me from identifying and celebrating what actually makes me happy.
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: I will have a streamlined style and closet and find it easier to get dressed everyday. I will feel proud of my home and be intentional in what I fill it with. I will create an environment that is restful, joyful, and easy to live in.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: More relaxed and confident in how I chose to live each day.
Allow less distractions within my marriage. In 2017 I want to focus on building more honesty, intimacy, and conversation into my relationship with Kurt.
Why: Because even though our first year of marriage was a wonderful one, we've developed some bad habits when it comes to the time we have together at the end of each day. Making this goal a priority early in our marriage will help us continue to create a strong foundation. And a strong foundation established now will only strengthen over time!
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: We will have more date nights each month. We will spend less of our meals with our eyes focused on our phones or the TV and more time talking with one another. We will have more relaxed and slow weekends. We will have a routine that maximizes time together each week.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: Secure in knowing that my relationship with Kurt is one that will continue to strengthen over time.
Identify avenues and time for creativity and inspration. In 2017 I want to focus on giving myself the time I need for creative thought and exploration.
Why: Because I miss learning new skills on a regular basis.
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: I will have more energy each day because of time built in for creative challenges. I will be able to share with others more about what interests and excites me. I will not feel bad ending my work day and beginning other projects when 4:30pm comes each day. I will have a new hobby I love to participate in on a regular basis.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: More well-rounded as an individual.
Continue to work on using a budget and spending less. In 2017 I want to continue the progress I made in 2016 in learning how to use a budget and being more conscious about my spending habits.
Why: Because I need to become more responsible and intentional with the money I earn.
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: We will have more saved in our emergency fund. I will have less credit card debt. I will experience less impulses to purchase clothes when I have a closet that is already full. We will be able to plan more for our future and feel less anxious about how we will make our big dreams happen.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: More secure and less anxious about our future.
Give my emotions less control over my eating and exercise habits. In 2017 I want to learn to live a healthier life by taking emotional choices out of my routines.
Why: Because I only have one body and I need to start treating it well.
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: I will have more energy on a daily basis. I will hit 250 classes at Pure Barre. I will relearn what a true portion size looks like and fill my body with wholesome and good foods. I will feel less self-conscious about my body and more confident in who I am. I will enjoy meals more by taking time to prepare them together with Kurt.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: More confident in myself and my lifestyle choices.
Worry less while preparing for starting a family. In 2017 I want to focus less on trying to control my body and more on letting things happen at the time they are meant to.
Why: Because I can't control everything, even though I think I should be able to.
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: I will have more faith and less stress. We will feel confident and ready to make decisions that will hopefully lead to pregnancy. After ten years of living with Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), I will understand better what PCOS does to my body and how I can lessen my symptoms. I will have less fear talking about the miscarriage I had in 2016 and the resulting doubts and fears it has rooted within me. We will research other avenues for starting a family, including adoption and surrogacy, and feel confident in choosing a path that is right for us.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: At peace with whatever avenue we choose to pursue this year.
Give more to others. In 2017 I want to find more ways to give to my community, my country, and those who need more than I do.
Why: Because I have the capacity to make great change in "my world" if I focus less on myself and more on other people.
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: I will think of others before I think of myself more often. I will feel more connected to the community and world I live in. I will be able to help others understand the importance of giving.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: Proud of my choices and my contributions.
Have less fear in living a faith-driven life. In 2017 I want to let go of feeling I have to hide my belief in God.
Why: Because I believe God is there for me and created me for a purpose.
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: I will be more grateful in my daily life. I will be more open in talking about my beliefs. I will set time in my routine each day for reflection and talking to God. We will find a church community that reflects our values and beliefs, and supports us in our lives.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: More confident and open about my faith in God.
Invest in my friendships. In 2017 I want to continue focusing on my friendships and spending time - both in person and virtually - with the people who matter in my life.
Why: Because I believe we aren't meant to do life alone!
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: I will engage more fully in the PowerSheets online community. I will have regular call and video chat dates with friends who don't live near me. I will schedule trips to visit friends I haven't seen in a while. I will send more birthday cards and "just because" gifts to friends. I will have a stronger support network.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: More connected and invested in my friendships.
Make You Me Serendipity more about what truly matters to me, and less about common online media trends. In 2017 I want to be more honest, open and forthcoming in this online space, and spend less time on the things that don't help me live a life rooted in subjective perfection.
Why: Because I believe we need less "fluff" and more honesty on the internet.
How I will know if I'm successful on this goal: I will expand the "Becoming Confident" and "Giving with Meaning" series. I will seek out opportunities for partnership that are meaningful and support the idea of subjective perfection. I will write each post from a place of authenticity. I will feel confident that those who are reading will find something that positively impacts them.
How I will feel at the end of 2017 having made progress on this goal: Further along in my goal of living a life focused on subjective perfection.
Back in October I was chatting with some friends who I call my "PowerSheets Pals." We talked about how the end of the year was quickly approaching and with it the conclusion of a year working toward some of our goals. I told them that, "there is so much time to do some good with the rest of this year." I said those words then, and if they were true in October, they are certainly true in January!
In the spirit of doing good with the time that you have, I'm wishing for you the best rest of January and the best 2017. I'll be sending you encouragement every step of the way!
I'd love to know - what are some of your goals for 2017? What are the tools and tricks you use to keep yourself focused and accountable for them each day? How can I help you in making 2017 one of your best years ever? Share your thoughts in the comments!