Setting my 2016 goals using PowerSheets
At the start of each new year I usually hesitate in setting "new year's resolutions." In the past I've felt like they set me up for failure instead of success because they were either too lofty or lacked clarity. But after sharing my struggles with my friend Mattye and hearing about her success with PowerSheets from the Lara Casey Shop, I decided to give them a try myself. Now, three months in to using this goal setting tool, I can see why this process can lead to success!
The spiral bound PowerSheets are as beautiful as they are functional. Sprinkled throughout are colorful pages offering inspiration for the goal setting process.
Before setting your goals PowerSheets takes you through intensive prep work. These beginning pages help you to think about personal processes - what's on your mind? What's causing you stress or happiness? What things were unsuccessful during the previous year? By focusing on these questions first your goals become grounded in issues upon which you want to change or improve. I loved this prep work because I felt it led me to identify more purposeful and meaningful goals. This year there are six such goals I'm working toward, outlined below:
1. Create a routine with Kurt.
Even though we had been together for almost three years before marriage, Kurt and I really spent more time apart than together. Between living in different states or different countries we didn't truly get to know how each of us lived day-to-day. In our first year of marriage building a joint routine has become important to me because it will set the tone for our many years together!
2. Become more financially stable.
I haven't always made the most intelligent financial decisions. But this year I turn 30 and financial stability is one of the goals I'm prioritizing. Kurt and I have a big list of dreams and desires for our life together but without a strong financial platform from which to plan we won't see any of those come true. This year I'm using this goal to outline small steps I can take to save more and decrease my debt.
3. Identify a space for creativity and exploration.
When I transitioned to working remotely last year I quickly realized how hard it was going to be to turn off my work at the end of the day. I needed a space that was mine to create and explore pieces of my life that are unrelated to my job. Thus the need for You Me Serendipity was identified! Launching this blog at the beginning of the year was just the first step; over the course of this year there is more to come!
4. Build and maintain relationships.
If there is one thing I have learned as I've grown up and moved around the country it's how quickly friendships and relationships can fizzle out. Now I am completely aware that some friendships and relationships may have their season, but just because I live far away from my friends doesn't mean we need to be negatively impacted! By focusing on building and maintaining relationships that mean the most to me I can remain connected to my network even if we aren't connecting in person as much as we used to.
5. Plan for a family.
Early on in our relationship Kurt shared with me that he was (in his words!) "baby crazy." I didn't quite share his feelings at first but, as he and I have spent time together and grown in our relationship, I have begun to feel that desire to have a family of our own someday. By making my health a priority and continuing to consider what having a family means to me, Kurt and I can take the necessary steps to make this goal a reality when the timing is right.
6. Find a community.
Working from home can be lonely sometimes. And living in a place that still doesn't feel like home doesn't help those feelings. Kurt and I have done a bit of exploring as I shared a couple of weeks ago, but there is more we can do to help identify a community and make Tallahassee feel like home for the time we have left here.
One of my favorite spots to work with PowerSheets - the bench that Kurt and I built together!
Each month my PowerSheets help me outline monthly, weekly, and daily steps to achieve each of these broad goals. One thing I love about the monthly pages are the tending lists - checklists that help me keep track of how I work toward achievement each month - broken out by goals and by relationships!
I plan to periodically share how I'm progressing on these goals throughout the rest of the year, along with how I'm continuing to use PowerSheets. Overall, I have a feeling they will help in achieving quite a positive 2016!
I'd love to know - how do you approach goal setting and what tips or tricks do you employ to stay on track? Share your thoughts in the comments!